Endgegner Afeez Aremu

{:de}Afeez Aremu hat lange gebraucht, um beim FC St. Pauli Fuß zu fassen. Nun hat er sich aber zu einer echten Säule entwickelt und führt die Liga in einigen Defensiv-Statistiken an. Das hat Timo Schultz bereits kommen sehen.{:}{:en}everywhere. This is one such article. However, it also shows what still needs to be improved and, more importantly, it highlights a player who took a long time and had a hard time and is now performing almost unimagined.{:}

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So spielt ein Aufs… gewinnt man in Heidenheim!

{:en}FC St. Pauli wins in impressive style at 1. FC Heidenheim. After a weak first half, in which Heidenheim were particularly impressive defensively, FC St. Pauli dismantled their opponents shortly after half-time thanks to an increase in performance. After this game and in this form, FC St. Pauli can be expected to do anything this season.{:}

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